Payseurs – Virginia Company

The charter to the Virginia Company granted by King James provided for the incorporation of two companies: the London Company and the Plymouth Company. It was the London Company that established the first permanent English colony in America; the expedition of one hundred and twenty settlers who left England in December, 1606, made their first landfall at Cape Henry, April 29, 1607, and planted a colony at Jamestown May 14.

As is always the case, the passage of time and the development of the technology of the times, gradually brought the prospect of travel to the New world closer to the average man of the street.

In anticipation of the flood of people to the New World which was, in a time not too far off, inevitable, and order in to take advantage of the possibilities for trade and commerce which would then be afforded, in 1604, a group of prominent statesmen, businessmen, merchants, financiers and manufacturers assembled in Greenwich, in the County of Kent, England, to create and form a Corporation, Joint Stock Company and Body Politic which was to be known as and called “The Virginia Company”.

Given that the New World was an extension of the British Empire, across the sea and the colonies formed therein were operating under the auspices of the Virginia company, the criminal courts in the new colonies were therefore and thereby to operate under Admiralty Law (the law of the sea). The Civil Courts (those of Chancery and Equity) were to operate under Common Law (the law of the land).

The Criminal Courts of the United States still operate today under Admiralty Law.


As are all corporations and business organizations, the Virginia Company was formed for several purposes, the primary one of which was to make a profit. Other secondary purposes were to afford various and sundry people from royalty to commoner the opportunity to invest in the shares of the corporation in the hope of making a profit (by dividend or capital gain, or simply the enjoyment of the fruits of their labours), and the opportunity and vehicle for the raising of venture capital to support various adventure oriented enterprises of exploration and settlement.

The Virginia Company, given that its primary stockholder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) was none other than The King (James I), King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland on the date of April 10, 1606, had at its disposal all kinds and types of legal, commercial and other experts and consultants who were ready and willing to offer their services in the service of the company (and therefore the Crown).

The original charter of the Virginia Company was written and completed by April 10, 1606, as has already been stated, but later, to afford change to meet the varying environmental circumstances, two subsequent Charters were developed and adopted, and in addition several sets of Royal orders, ordinances and constitutions were also interspersed. The main points and topics covered by these three Charters and the various royal orders, ordinances and constitutions are as follows:


Colonial Position and Size

The First charter gave the King’s permission and license to the several petitioners for them to create several plantations in two colonics which were to be formed on the main land of the east coast of the American continent from the latitude of thirty four (34) degrees north of the equator (at. approximately, Carolina Beach, south of Wilmington. North Carolina) to forty five (45) degrees north of the equator (about where the present Canadian / U.S. Border is in the State of Vermont);

“In that part of America commonly called Virginia, and into other parts or territories in America either appertaining to us or which are not now actually possessed by any Christian Prince or People” and the same colony was to include any islands offshore of the mainland within one hundred (100) miles of the shoreline, and between the same above mentioned latitudes.

There were initially to be formed two colonies. Colony number one (1) was to be composed of several and diverse “knights, gentlemen, merchants and other adventurers of our city of London, and elsewhere, and was to be situated in that same area between thirty four (34) degrees north of the equator to forty one (41) degrees north of the equator, and for a distance north and south along the coast of the original point of settlement of fifty (50) miles, and a distance inland from the coast of one hundred (100) miles, the second colony was to be made up of “sundry knights, gentlemen, merchants and other adventurers of our cities of Bristol and Exeter, and of our town of Plymouth, and of other places which do join themselves unto that colony” and was to be situated in that same area between thirty eight (38) degrees north of the equator to forty five (45) degrees north of the equator, and for a distance north and south along the coast of the original point of settlement of fifty (50) miles, and a distance inland from the coast of one hundred (100) miles.

Each of the two original colonies thereby settled could be placed anywhere on the American coastline within the given parameters, and would, when mapped and laid out, form two squares each of 10,000 square miles, and each with four sides, each side being 100 miles long, and there was to be at least one hundred (100) miles between the two colonies.


There were to be formed three (3) Councils, one each in the relative Colonies, and One overseeing Council formed in England.

The two Colonial Councils, one in each colony, were to be composed of thirteen members appointed to the councils by the overseeing council in England, and both these councils were to answer to the overseeing Council in England. The overseeing Council was to be composed of thirteen members, each member to be appointed by the King himself (or his heirs and successor).


The Colonists were to “have all the lands, soils, grounds, havens, ports, rivers, mines, minerals, woods, marshes, waters, fishings, commodities and hereditaments whatsoever”, but, such riches were to be “had” at an expense. This expense was to form part of a contract which was to be binding upon anyone who was one of the original formers of the Virginia Company, or any of their heirs or successors or assignees, or anyone, their successors and assignees who later “joined” the Virginia Company or any or either of the two or any future colonies and was explained in two paragraphs;

“And moreover we do grant and agree for us. our heirs and successors, that the said several councils of and for the said several Colonies shall and lawfully may by virtue hereof, from time to time, without interruption of us, our heirs or successors, give and take order to dig, mine and search for all manner of mines of gold, silver and copper, as well within any part of their said several Colonies as of the said many lands on the backside of the same Colonies; and to have and enjoy the gold, silver and copper to be gotten there of to the use and behoove of the same Colonies and the plantations thereof; yielding therefore yearly to us, our heirs and successors, the fifty parts per hundred only of all the same gold and silver and the fifteen parts per hundred of all the same copper so to be gotten or had, as is aforesaid, and without any other manner of profit or account to be given or yielded to us, our heirs or successors, for or in respect of the same.

And that they shall or lawfully may establish and cause to be made a coin, to pass current there between the people of those several Colonies for the more ease of traffic and bargaining between and among them and the natives there, of such metal and in such manner and form as the same several Councils there shall limit and appoint.

To belabor the point and for clarity of understanding for the reader who does not quite grasp the significance of these two paragraphs and for the clarification of some of the statements made in some of the future chapters of this book, please note that fifty per cent (50%) of all gold and silver and fifteen per cent (15%) of all copper which was to thereafter be extracted from the ground belonged, under the terms of this Virginia Company covenant, to the English Crown and was to be transported back to England on an Annual basis. This covenant is still in force today for all honorable men and descendants of the original colonial founders and the descendants of all those who later were to “join” the Virginia Company.


The Colonists were empowered to seize any ship, vessel, merchant, or trader who was found to be trading goods and commodities with the Colony or members of the Colony and, if the trader was not a member of that particular colony, to charge that trader a Duty, impost, or excise which was to be paid the Treasurer of the Colony. If the trader was so subject to payment of the duty was a subject of the British Crown, then the amount of the duty to be paid by the trader was to be two and a half percent (2 1/2%) on the value of anything traded; if he was not a subject of the British Crown, then the amount of the duty to be paid was to be five percent (5%).

These Duties, imposts and excises, for a period of twenty one (21) years from the date of the formation of the Virginia Company, were to be used by the Colony which collected them for the sole and exclusive use of the Colony, and thereafter the money from such duties was to be paid directly to the Agent of the Crown who was appointed by the Crown specifically for the purpose of acting as the Crown’s Treasurer in that Colony.


No Colonist could transport any goods, chattels, commodities or such out of the colony for sale or trade with any other foreign person or entity or country without the express and prior permission of the Crown of England, and to do so would cause the total forfeiture of all that exporters assets and the ship or vessel or vehicle which transported him and his wares.


Of course, the colonists would need to cultivate the land and grow the food necessary for their survival, so to that end the statement of; “And finally we do. for us, our heirs and successors, grant and agree…that we, our heirs and successors..shall by letters patents bearing the great seal of England grant unto such persons (the Council), their heirs and assignees..all the lands, tenements and hereditaments which shall be within the precincts limited for that colony 10,000 square miles in a square with each side being 100 miles long, as is aforesaid, to be holden of us, our heirs and successors, as of our manor of East Greenwich in the County of Kent, in “free soccage” only and not in “capite” was entered into the first charter.

The statement “to be holden of us…in free soccage only and not in “capite” meant that the colonists were granted the land under a Deed of Trust and they could not claim ownership of the land, ownership was retained by the Crown. They could use the land for themselves, and pass the perpetual use of their particular piece of land on to their heirs and successors (by blood, marriage or adoption) and assignees.

They could sell the perpetual use of a part (or all) of their piece of land to someone else, but the original ownership of the land was claimed and retained by the Crown.


The first paragraph of this letter appoints the King’s Council (of Virginia) in England and gives them (the Council) a general description of their duties towards the two separate councils and colonies in Virginia.

They were to nominate and appoint the members of the Councils of the two first settled colonies and to cause each of the two Councils to nominate and appoint one of their own members “not being a a minister of God’s word” to be the President of his respective Council, with the position to be held for one year maximum, and to have another President, but not the same person as formerly held the position, thereafter re-elected by the same Council. These same two colonial councils were to be subservient to the “full authority” of the Kings’s council in England.

The King, through his English Council, not only requested, but required that the members of the colonies “with all diligence, care and respect do provide that the true word of God and Christian faith be preached, planted and used, not only within every of the several said colonies and plantations but also as much as they may amongst the savage people which do or shall adjoin us to them or border upon them, according to the doctrine, rights and religion now professed and established within our realm of England”.


All criminal offences or offences against the State or the King, were tried, as has been said before, under Admiralty Law.

Those offences of tumults, rebellions, conspiracies, mutiny and sedition which “may be dangerous to the estate there” (the degree of “dangerousness” being decided by the local Council of authority), and murder, manslaughter, rape, incest and adultery were all punishable by death, and, except on the case of manslaughter, the convict was not to be allowed “the benefit of the clergy”.

All cases were to be tried by the Council of authority before a jury of twelve honest and indifferent persons who were to either convict or acquit the accused. Should the accused confess to the crime, or remain mute in answer to his accusers, then he would be convicted as if the jury had deliberated and convicted him.

The Colonial Councils also had the sole power of sentencing the convicted to death, but the ability of granting pardon to the convict was reserved solely by the King. Where a criminal was suspected of having committed an offence outside the boundaries of the colony could be brought back to the colony for trial.

Should any member of the colonies be kidnapped and removed from any of the colonies by an outsider, then the kidnapper, should he or they be caught, were to be imprisoned “until he (or they) shall fully and thoroughly reform himself. Should this miraculous reformation not take place, then the malcontent(s) were to be speedily exported to England where he or they would (presumably) be suitably punished at the King’s pleasure.


Any civil complaints registered by the members of either colony were to be taken care of by the respective Colonial Councils “as near to the Common Laws of England and the equity thereof as may be”, and the local Council “shall have power and authority…to hear and determine all and every other wrongs, trespass, offences and misdemeanors whatsoever…upon accusation of any person and proof thereof made by sufficient witness upon oath: and the Councils were granted the authority to punish the offenders “by reasonable corporal punishment and imprisonment or else by a convenient fine, awarding damages, or other satisfaction to the party aggrieved”, the Council determining the amount and severity of the punishment “having regard to the quality of the offence or the state of the cause”.

Any and all judgements and sentences, whether criminal or civil, were to be registered in a book created and maintained for that specific purpose.


For the first five years immediately after the initial settlement, the colonists were to bring all their produce and place it in a warehouse specifically constructed for the purpose. In addition to the local produce, everything thereafter brought to the Colonies from England was also to be placed in the warehouse.

Each year the Council was to elect a Warehouseman, named the “Treasurer” or “Cape Merchant” to take charge of and manage the commodities stored in his care. This person could be re-elected by the Council upon the expiration of his one year term of office. In addition, two book-keepers were to be appointed, each also for a term of one year, one to keep a register of all things being brought into the warehouse, and one to keep a similar book of all things being removed from it.

Everyone in the Colony was to be supplied from that one warehouse, and all in the warehouse was to be considered as belonging to the Colony.

To assist in trading to, from and by this one warehouse, everyone of the colonies, for the first five years, shall “trade together all in one stock”. This meant that they were given Royal orders to adopt a form of “warehouse banking”, where the individual would take his product to the warehouse, and place it on deposit there, receiving in return a receipt, which receipt could be readily traded for other goods or services. This was the original form of paper currency (see the chapter “Money and banking”) and it greatly facilitated trade and growth in the formative years of colonial existence.

In order to better keep a check on the trading with the colonies, the first colonial council was required to choose one or more “companies”, each of not less than three people who resided in, or close to London (England), and the second colonial council was to choose one or more similar companies, each of three or more people from the town of Plymouth, in the county of Devon (England).

The purpose of each of these Companies was to take charge of the trade and accounting of all goods which both went out to and were received from its respective colony, from whichever port or ports in England which was used for export or import, “and of all things concerning the managing of the affairs and profits of the adventurers of that (respective) Company”.

Finally, nobody was to be allowed to be admitted as an immigrant into any of the colonies unless they swore an oath of allegiance to the King (or Crown), an oath to Parliament, which also had sworn allegiance to the King, and an oath to the effect that they would always trade in and through the port or ports which managed the trade with the colonies.


The first section of this ordinance enlarged the Kings Councils for the two colonies, and that, because of the distance between the members of each of the councils, that twelve men met together where six at least were to be members of one colony and six at least were to be members of the other colony, were to be considered enough persons (a quorum) to vote on any particular issue, and they were given power to vote upon broader and more far reaching issues than ever before.


One of the secret corporations that is comprised of the Secret Oligarchy is the Virginia Company.

In October 1781, when the Earl of Cornwallis Capitulated to the British East India Company employee, George Washington, the name of the Virginia Company was renamed. The new secret company was now called the United States of America Corporation and Body Politic.

The Terms of the Capitulation was that the secret corporation would continue in existence, forever!.. the arrangement that the King(or Queen) of England would continue to receive 20 percent of the the revenues from the Virginia Company, as per the old Charter of 1607, again, forever!

The Payseur family signed a contract with Benjamin Franklin in 1785 to handle all of the communication and transportation in the secret corporation again forever.

The Crown Prince of France, Louis Charles Bourbon-Capet, was made manager of the United States Corporation in 1805. At that time the Crown Prince was 20 years old. He had been in hiding in the City of London since both his parents were beheaded during the French Revolution in 1793.

His father Louis Charles Bourbon-Capet (Louis XVI) and his mother were of the pure dragon race bloodlines & Louis = Charlemagne bloodline (Marie Antoinette Von Hapsburg bloodline- ie Queen Elizabeth II today).


The Payseur family lost control of the Virginia Company in 1933 when the Company had to file for bankruptcy. All of the Executive orders issued by Roosevelt, disenfranchised Louis Cass Payseur’s family from the Corporation in 1933..

At that time it was taken over by Colonel Leroy Springs, the founder of the Springmade Bed Linen Factory in Lancaster South Caroline (as most of you know by now, the Haarpe brothers and their lizard constituents, use the electronic geometries from Haarpe to mind control us and one of the best ways is our spring made resonance mattresses). Reminds me of the circles found around major areas like Pine Ridge.. or any city.. ie country.. to passify the people.. with frequencies, currently .. Iran btw..

Anyway, Colonel Leroy Spring’s granddaughter is the main person in charge of the corporation and was head of the Federal Reserve Bank. Her name is Crandall Close Bowles (ring another bell? Prince Charle’s wife from hell? ). I don’t know if Crandall is still alive today.. but she was on the board of the Federal Reserve bank of Charlotte North Carolina and was CEO of the Springmade Bed Linen Factory.

The Federal Reserve Bank evolved out of the North Carolina Gold Company chartered in 1899 in Charlotte North Carolina. The First National Bank of Charlotte was the bank that made the secret gold bullion payments to the Queen of England for 190 years..

At any rate the Federal Reserve Bank of Charlotte North Carolina makes the secret electronic funds transfers to the city of London today. This is the 20% of the tax revenues that will forever go back to the Crown of England, via the original contracts with the Virginia Company.


King James I ( A vampire with porphyritic disease) remember also the Gateway to the Sun in Peru had 48 glyhps around the major figure.. Queztacoatle.. the Snakeruler )

because there were 48 Merovingian families who signed on to the Virgina Company Charter (so where are these signatures today>> held secretly!).

In 1607 King James I (born 1566) already knew that there were going to be 48 contiguous states in North America. He knew this because it was he who chartered the Virginia Company.

Each Merovingian family was to have its very own state as its kingdom.


There were some Secret Trusts executed with the Pope of Rome also.

Such as the states of Mary_Land(Mery_Land)…. and i do believe that is why they to this day also keep the UCBO trusts so secretive for the few.. oligarchical monarch control and rule of assets> which is why these trusts are not found in the ordinary law schools.. except.. Cornell

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Check out more about Payseur Family History (this link will open a new tab) :-

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