Payseurs In The USA and the Crown Prince of France

The Payseur family now ‘appear’ to have lost control of their empire. –

For a moment let us digress back to the time when the former Crown Prince of France, now Daniel Payseur (1785-1860) arrived in America.

Daniel married a woman by the name of Susannah Kiser, around 1814, (all marriages of this family’s bloodline are through all issue of the families to this date, as they say, “we keep the marriage in the family”). Susannah was the sister to one Sarah Kiser, who married a German by the name of John Reed, who owned the Reed Gold Mine and started the gold rush fever in the Carolinas. The Payseurs were also involved with gold mines.

In Daniel’s business years before his death he was instrumental in acquiring, holdings, banks, with vast railroad his wealth holdings in construction from gold to numerous companies, railway companies, canal companies, tramway companies, companies for the manufacture of railroad engines, railway cars, railway sleeping cars (Pullman), steam tractors and plows now known as International Harvester, Colt Firearms (Gatling Gun), Wagons and Buggies, now known as Cadillac Cars. He owned huge plantations of cotton, tobacco, timber and corn, he also owned the manufacture of cotton. Eli Whitney, of the cotton gin.

Susannah and Daniel had two sons the first born was Adam and then Jonas. At some time in Adams young adult life he was allegedly murdered (although we will revisit this later) and all of the family assets were set up to pass to Jonas W. Payseur upon his father Daniel’s death.

Jonas carried on the family tradition and increased the family holdings to include steam ship companies now known as, United Fruit Company, Mining Equipment Co., Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA)., Mining companies for Coal, Iron, Copper, Gold and Silver and was the main supplier to the government for gold and silver. They started the meat processing company now known as Armour and Company and started the cattle and stock yards across America at the railroad yards.


While the Payseurs were busy buying property during the Civil War, the Union government was actively seizing all property and public records. The reason for this search and seizure was to find out who owned what property, so it (The Government) could seize more property.

All of the public records were seized from each county court house in every Confederate State and taken to Bradford, North Carolina, where they were meticulously studied, some of them totally rewritten, thence to be returned to their original places (if they had not been destroyed) at a later date. This information was found out after I was doing research in the southern court houses. I counldn’t figure out how the same hand writing kept showing up in all these different record books all across the south, in different states, on the same dates.

My friend was kidding me when I voiced this question and he told me that they got around in flying saucers back then.

In order to conceal the family interests from both the government and Quantrill’s Raiders, the Payseurs bought things in family names, (fathers-in-laws, brothers-in-laws etc.) such as Smith, Giles, Moore. Poore, Hawkins, Coon, Payseur, Bashore, Bason, Hudson, Kiser, Lettson and Reed.

Quantrill’s Raiders were the best-known of the pro-Confederate partisan guerrillas (also known as “bushwhackers”) who fought in the American Civil War. Their leader was William Quantrill (who had married into the Springs Family) and they included Jesse James and his brother Frank.

Throughout all of it, when forming corporations, he always held Stock Certificate number one (1). Which was always a special type of voting, “Class “A” type” preferred stock and always signified prime ownership.

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Jonas W. Payseur married Harrietta Smith and their eldest son was Lewis Cass Payseur. Lewis Cass is on record in the library of congress as being a postmaster from 1877 to 1883 in North Carolina. Lewis carried on the family tradition by being instrumental in adding such business to the list as the United States Postal Service, the Federal Reserve, the United States Military Railroad Security Police of the Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad, known today after many name changes and years of obscurity as the CIA.

There are many different levels and branches of this organization. They acquired huge forests from coast to coast for wood products and manufacturing of utility poles, cross ties, railroad cars, furniture, boxes, etc. and the automobile manufacture now known as General Motors corporation.

During the depression of the late eighteen hundreds, (thanks to the shortage of cash that was in circulation) the Rutherfordton Railroad Construction Company, extended credit to the railroad companies in exchange for their Stock (preferred stock, of course, which carried voting rights and also their government granted land patents, as collateral of the credit) to finish the expansion of the railroads.


When the railroad companies bankrupted, their stock was forfeited to L.C. Payseur, and the railroad companies whose stock L.C. held, were thereby amalgamated under one railroad, Southern Railway Company.

Along with these railroad companies came their land acquired from congressional land grants. All of the railroad companies were set up on new 99-year leases. The majority of these leases expire on the 17th of June 1993, this lease merged with Norfolk Western Railway to extend it through the merger and name change of Norfolk Southern to Dec. 31, 1993.

The Payseur family and the railroads acquired the monopoly for the manufacturing of electrical power, the monopoly for pipeline companies, for water and fuels, now known as Standard Oil or Exxon oil, plus exporting and importing of goods and foods.

The family estate was always passed to the eldest son, of the eldest son in the family, it was believed that the women had no brains and were not worthy of knowing any more than how to have babies and entertain family and business associates. So for many generations, the women were treated like mushrooms (kept in the dark and taken out now and again and fed bull-shit).

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Unfortunately for the peoples of the world, Lewis Cass Payseur was unable to produce a male heir. He and his wife Mary Alice Hudson Payseur had three daughters, Una, Pearl and the eldest Iola Madelyn, who first married George Gatling, (Gatling guns) then secondly William Wharton Fulgham.

None of them were privileged to very much detailed information about the families holdings. However they were entrusted with the family genealogy and kept very accurate records. With the death of Lewis Cass and no male heir to his fortune, Iolas’ latest husband, William Wharton Fulgham, was appointed to manage the Payseurs affairs.

The family secrets were kept hidden from the women for the most part, up until William Fulghum’s death in the mid 1960’s. Lola’s husband had been appointed by Lewis Cass as his personal business manager and of course, he knew everything and it was all kept in the records in the family safe in their home.

After Fulghums death I’m sure curiosity got the best of lola and she went on a search! It is known that she went through all of her father’s and husband’s personal records, of the family’s businesses and locked everything away, ordering in her will, that it not be opened until five years after her death.


The family really wasn’t too concerned about what was there, because they had plenty of money. Everyday, they had checks come in the mail or money was deposited into their bank accounts from stock dividends. Five years came and past and the family had forgotten about opening the safe.

In about the year of 1971 the family decided to sell the old estate. It was at that time the family decided to open the safe. They discovered powerful vast holdings the estate held. The family had to make some major decisions and fast!

One of the things that the family discovered was the information about the 99 year leases, and the fact that the family owned all the railroads and the lands granted to the railroads. Associated with this ownership, were hundreds of corporations in the united states and around the world. On the day that the safe was opened the family found hundreds of stock certificates where L.C. Payseur held “Stock Certificate #1 – type A”- denoting the principle, or major ownership of each corporations.

Since about 1972, the family has been trying to regain control of the leased corporations to clear up the mess that has happened with everything and the frauds that have been committed.

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The Payseur’s principal trustee, Leroy Springs, died in 1931 and his playboy son, Elliott, took over. He volunteered to upgrade the local County Records filing system and removed the records from the Lancaster courthouse.

When he returned them, hundreds of Payseur land deeds had been reassigned to himself, a Rothschild relative. It seems obvious that he was told exactly what to do to stop the Payseur daughters from inheriting the empire.

This also happened when hundreds of courthouses were burned down to destroy southern blacks’ deeds so that local landowners or corporations could steal their land.

The Payseur family had now lost control of their empire!

Lewis Cass Payseur’s three daughters and the current head of each one of his daughter’s families

Iola Madelyn Payseur – Donald Croom Beatty Jr

Pearl Mignon Payseur – James Edward Poore III

Una Payseur – John F Boswell

The three families each owns 1/3 of the Payseur dynasty.

In the early 1950s, Anne Kinsley, the daughter of Elliott Springs, married a New Jersey organised crime figure, called Hugh Close, who was appointed chairman of all the Payseur companies stolen by Elliott.

Close’s daughter, Mrs. Crandall Close Bowles, became a director of the Carolina Federal Reserve Bank.

A battle continues for control of the former Payseur holdings, but at the moment it appears they are controlled by the Rothschilds.

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46 Responses to Payseurs In The USA and the Crown Prince of France

  1. Jennifer says:

    Wow very interesting stuff.

    Oddly i found your family a long time ago. On the search for the answers ailing our society today.

    My question to you is many to be honest. But should your family regain control of the holdings etc. Wealth.

    What is the intentions they plan to do with this wealth? Will they share the wealth with the countries that surround them?

    And also i’m confused on the meronvingians. Are you part of that line? Via marriage or whatever?

    And what is the major deal with this family? I’m confused on much of it. And is it true that biblicaly its all interrelated to all known history of the messiah stuff? Idk. If i worded that correctly. But basically, whats the real deal? And are you guys evil? Or good? Whats the religion aspect to the names play in all of it? And why are you even coming out to the public now? Also, how many of you are left? And how come our history is so whacko and we never heard of you? Are u the one name that i always said will be the one noone heard of ever…. Thats the true top of the pyramid of names and power? And not the rothchilds or windsors.

  2. Ceela says:

    Why did you give control to the Rothchilds?

    • Hi Ceela, I wasn’t involved at all, however there’s a lot of speculation as to what happened, from downright theft to dishonest manipulation, in order to ‘hide’ the assets.

  3. Katherine says:

    So much confusion around your family, and I thought mine was colorful. Pales in comparison. Saddest part of this whole mystery surrounding your family , its wealth, and power. Is the fact that its hard to know who or what to believe at this point.

    I tend to lean on the logical side of the many angles and intend to investigate further specific trails of cover-ups and so forth. But I find it most intriguing that this very website in itself is a huge clue to the whole story.

    Seems to me that being masters of deception and trickery is broadly advertised, and yet raises little to no suspicion from commentators. Part of me feels this is a psyop.

    Or some CIA or otherwise rabbit hole meant to mislead us to a dead end or more mystery to keep us dumbfounded and watching bad conspiracy theory videos on youtube and history channel.

    I can’t help but to feel this is just a game. Designed to distract mankind from the truth. As much as I want to believe all the entertaining mystery involved or want to point a finger of blame to one family or person.

    I’m reminded of this simple thing we’re taught from a young age. Providing that it too isn’t just more of the same rhetoric. The bible. The prince of lies (illusions, trickery, etc) is most cunning and thrives off our foolhardiness and our lust for knowledge and power.

    It’s hard to think of you as a real person because I struggle to believe much of anything anymore that any man says or has said. For good reason. I feel we’re being led astray to believe a fable.

    However if it’s remotely true, than your family has to be either the most evil humans ever to walk this earth. Or perhaps it’s all just entertainment for the people that want so much to hang the blame somewhere.

    I think this is a masterful deception designed to keep the masses dumbfounded while all of our lives and toils are being robbed from us one magic spell at a time! Lucifer is the Prince of lies.

    This very website boasts adverts to mechanisms of deceptions. I cant understand how so few can see the correlation. Your very name means pay the master. So is this a CIA thing? Like all the other alleged intel.

    I know this much, if it is an actual family at the top of it all. Its name won’t ever be revealed to us. I don’t believe that power or money was lost. The Rothchilds are simply a cover name. As many others.

    Thank you for the puzzle and entertainment, but I simply don’t buy it. If I found your name then you’re not the ones! That simple. But if you are the ones then when does it stop!? Total control is clearly obtained.

    And what of the Heaven’s Gate Society? Something just isn’t right with all of it. Perhaps just a case of abracadabra hocus pocus or spell-ings, I’m thinking.

    • Well Katherine, at the end of the day, it’s basically up to the individual to decide if what they see, read and hear, especially from those in power, is genuine or a grand pantomime.

      • Well said. The answer to any question is found within the asker, for that is where the question began. In a world of lies, personal discernment is key. No amount of “fact data” will suffice. One that I trust, who goes by the handle of “Q”, says “Trust yourself.” Wise saying. I would also add, “…and do your own research.”

  4. Todd says:

    Loving this interesting article about Payseur. Already learning from Wellington and the House of Orange-Nassau. If anymore on this please kindly send it to my email. Utterly speechless on this journey

  5. Jacqueline McIntosh says:

    Mr. Payseur. One of my favorite movies has always been The Scarlet Pimpernel.
    If you are familiar with it, can you tell me if there is any truth in how the young Prince escaped? Officials in France say they’ve confirmed that the remains in his grave are his; such a tragic story of his childhood.

    I’ve read that Marie-Antoinette never said, “Let them eat cake!”, and that it was really a rumor to get the people angry enough to over throw the young Royal family and the aristocracy. Making the people angry enough to go to war has always been part of the playbook. If you know what the truth is of the story I would love to know what it is.

    Thank you.

    • Thanks Jacqueline,

      A lot to consider – need some time



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  6. Sarah says:

    Hi Louis,

    Are you interested in coming onto my show and discussing your family line? My email sarahw at galex consulting dot com

  7. Louis Luijken says:

    Also love this interesting article about the Payseur family from France. Try to find and learn about Wellington and the House of Orange-Nassau. Please kindly send info about all to my email. Not surprised about the Rothschilds. Thanks and regards.

    http:/ /

  8. john cron says:

    Do you believe in the great awakening if so when your thoughts?

  9. Colleen Miles says:

    This is simply amazing to read! And the Rothschilds via theft, skullduggery, fraud and war show here like so many other places!

    Typically Rothschilds and Rockefeller show up together as two wings of one bird in historical research related to land, corporations, FRAUD, war and worse… but you don’t mention Rockefeller once?

    In your deep dives on your AMAZING family history, have you encountered any entanglements named Rockefeller?

  10. Colleen Miles says:

    Louis, hello again! Just like so many others here, we feel like we are speaking to a master researcher, a magician of words, a hero…

    My previous question was not pointed enough, and I should have asked:

    1. “How many times in history have the Rockefellers attacked/stolen/misappropriated Payseur family wealth, land, corporations, deeds and stocks?” since my first reading here on your site was the amazing history of how the Rothschilds did unspeakable things thru history to abscond with your families wealth when it existed in dark cubbyholes of bookkeeping ledgers and deed offices… This seems to be much more than finders keepers…

    2. I have spent a couple hours here today reading additional posts and following Q and A’s and can I ask you about an updated “mood” or “feeling” about Team Trump aka The White Hats now that it is 2024? I am one of those that Love Trump because he is pushing the fight to expose corruption from the TOP DOWN. He is our only option…

    3. Can Satanism be eliminated?

    4. Are we all delusional grasping at hopium and holding on?

    5. In your opinion, is the future getting darker or lighter w exposure of TRUTH.

    6. Last question: What has surprised you in the recent exposures of blackmail and sex tapes linked to puppet master power, ritual abuse and greed?

  11. Luminated Patriot says:

    Orsini is the top of the pyramid? Jesuits. The Maximum bloodline?. Tom Cruise is the heir to that bloodline.

  12. Satoshi Nakamoto / x says:

    I use the Payseur name as a moniker for what happened to me.

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