How I Found Freedom and Started Living My Dream
…your roadmap to a lifestyle of exotic foreign locations, financial freedom,
sizzling romance, or just sitting around doing nothing at all — YOU DECIDE!
I’ve been a slave.
And I’ve been free.
Freedom is better.
I’ve been a slave to a job I hated…
I’ve been a slave to the demands of others…
And I’ve been a slave to the miserable grind of poverty.
But now I’m free.
I travel where and when I want. I work for myself.
I hang out with people I’d always imagined meeting.
And I live in a place I chose, not someplace I just ended up.
My life is exactly what I’ve always dreamed it could be.
The thing is, there was nothing special about me.
I came from a small town. My dad worked in a factory as a plumber and fitter. I had bad grades in high school, and got kicked out more times than I can count. I went to a mediocre university, worked for minimum wage (and less), and was down to the last $15 in my wallet on more than one occasion.