This is the third of four of the timed sections of the breakdown of the Disney Trauma-Based Mind-Control Slave Script :-
60.0 mins.
Stillness comes as the sun rises.
61.0 mins.
The sun sets. During the programming, this may be reframed as the moon setting. It can be both or either. Remember, the programmer is working with the child’s creativity. Various scenes during the film show the moon in different phases which is important for bringing in programming concepts like Mr. Moon.
61.3 mins.
The orchestra is now playing. Music is an important part of mind-control programming. The affect of music on the mind and body has been studied. Music can double the heart beat, accelerate the respiratory rate, make that rate irregular, enhance perception, lower the threshold for various sensory stimuli, change blood pressure & circulation, and alter the muscles in the body. Dance music and “march” music done by orchestras change muscle response. Music is also a great way to cause dissociation.
62.5 mins.
The MC introduces the “‘Sound Track’ who he says is an important person for Fantasia who can be seen around the Disney studio. When Mr. Sound Track appears, he is simply a vertical line. The MC says he is “an important screen personality.” The ground work is being laid for a person being anything, even a line. The MC states that each sound creates a picture.
63.0 mins.
The MC encourages the personified Sound Track “don’t be nervous”. Then a sound is made like an electrical shock and the line develops a splotch of color in it. During the programming at this point an electrical shock would be applied to the child.
63.5 mins.
The harp is ask to sound. The harp begins playing a scale and the line becomes double 8’s and snake-like spirals. The child will be taught to dissociate when seeing such double 8’s.
64.0 mins.
The violin begins going up and down. Each of these instruments is going up and down the scale, like do-ray-me-fa-so-la-tee-do. The music is used to teach the alters to go up and down the helix, which is figured in this part of the film. As the music goes down, an alter is taught to go down in trance, and as it climbs higher, the alter will trance higher. All these instruments (violin, flute, bass, bassoon) are being used to teach alters how to work in the system. The MC describes the flute as “very pretty”.
64.5 mins.
A trumpet begins playing and the colors, yellow, orange, etc. begin showing.
64.5 mins.
When the bassoon plays, the MC says, “Go on. Drop the other shoe”– “Go to the shoe” which translates “go to the ground” the deepest trance level. The following is the double-pyramid, with a helix up the middle that appears when the bassoon plays. This configuration is very important to all these Illuminati alters systems.
65.0 mins.
The drum plays and some other percussion instruments play. These are taught to the child as the cult’s “HEARTBEAT”. They will hear this sound internally for many years to come. Then some sounds that have a shattering effect (cymbals) like broken mirrors are made in the film.
65.5 mins.
As the sounds take place a line is made with a pyramid at the top. This is laying the groundwork for the system’s structuring.
66.0 mins.
The MC laughs and talks about Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony (Beethoven’s 6th) which is next.
66.5 mins.
The screen comes alive with magical Unicorns of different colors. Then Pan (a satanlike figure) appears playing his pipes, and soon lots of little Pans (little demons) are playing their pipes. The little Pans (demons) play and dance with the unicorns. The orchestra plays again. When I said that Pan was an evil demon, I was rebuked by a Christian minister. He said Pan was a benevolent cheery creature. A number of books from Satanic bookstores document that Pan is indeed considered a powerful demon by occultists.
67.0 mins.
Pegasus (the mythical Greek winged horse) flies in. As a Mother horse she takes care of little ones on the screen. She is a protector in the programming.
68.0 mins.
“FANTASY IS FUN. FANTASY IS A GAME YOU PLAY. MOTHER TEACHES YOU. SEE HOW MOTHER IS A TEACHER. SEE THE BLACK AND WHITE HORSE. THEY ALWAYS FLY TOGETHER, BUT ARE SEPARATE. THEY ARE FLYING OVER THE CLOUDS.” “OVER THE CLOUDS, INTO THE BLUE YONDER.” The child is rewarded for what it has to do with the game of fantasy. “THAT’S YOUR REWARD FOR DOING WHAT YOU ARE TO DO. YOU CAN LEARN TO FLY OVER THE CLOUDS.” The child feels rewarded by the game of fantasy. The fantasy scenes in Walt Disney’s Fantasia are like the Wizard of Oz scenes in Oz, fantasy-land is more colorful and fun than real life. Vivid colors will be splashed about during the fantasy-land scenes.
68.5 mins.
A castle appears as Pegasus flies around. This and other castle scenes will help the child develop the imagery for the spiritual castles that the child will build internally. Then they swim in the water. “SEE THE MIRROR IMAGES, WATER CAN BE GLASS.” During the programming mirrors are put into the internal system. A mirror can be a piece of glass, the surface of a pond, or an asphalt runway. When the programming is complete, underneath the water &/or the runway lurk demons.
70.0 mins.
Waterfalls emerge and issue forth. The waterfalls are used by the programmers to erase all the slave’s memory of what was done to them. The child will be told at the end of watching Fantasia (and this will be said at other programming events too), “JUST REMEMBER THE GOOD, JUST REMEMBER THE FANTASY”. The fantasy is given so that the subconscious can rest in peace after the programming. The child is told “WASH YOURSELF CLEAN.”
70.5 mins.
The little girls appear as girl centaurs (half girl-half horse). “SEE THE LITTLE GIRLS ARE HORSES.”
71.0 mins.
Then a scene appears where one girl centaur braids another girl centaur’s long hair. The Illuminati teach their slaves to braid their memories. They braid their memories up and then lock them in. All the Daddy memories will be locked up & braided and then locked for good.
72.0 mins.
Male centaurs appear. They are near water and make mirror images in the water.
72.5 mins.
A crown is placed on a female centaur and 2 doves. During the Illuminati death, burial and resurrection ceremonies lilies are used for crowns, and doves are used. These are significant programming/ritual symbols. The female centaurs look at the male centaurs. This will be reframed as a system can have both male and female parts.
73.0 mins.
Starting with one female centaur, the females act seductive to the males, who then respond. For bras the females have bras of daisies. The daisy programming is a life-or-death type program. Vivid colors are used for each centaur. For instance, one may be purple and another one another color, which sets the groundwork for alters to have different access color codes. Alters do not usually see themselves as being in different colors, although it does happen on occasion.
73.5 mins.
A marriage takes place between the centaurs. The programmers catch these nuances of the film and use them. The marriage here teaches the child to be acquainted with the arm-and-arm marriage ceremonies. Remember, the programmers are dealing with clean slates that must be taught from the ground up. In the next few minutes, the cherub children will watch sexual body language, and the child victim is also picking up on enticing sexual body motions.
74.5 mins.
The centaurs go swimming. “I FEEL LIKE A LITTLE GIRL WITH A HORSE’S BODY.”
75.0 mins.
Little cherubs are dancing and flying around. When pictured the artists at times single out 3 cherubs who blow flutes together. The female centaur appears, who is fair haired (blond) and blue-eyed, which is what the Illuminati like. When she hears the tone (of the flutes) she goes into a trance state and walks with her eyes closed. This imagery is used to teach alters that when they hear certain tones, they are to go into a trance state and do certain things.
The little cherub turns into a heart, and when no one is watching goes into the tree. In programming, this part is the Keeper of the Tree. Notice how everything is veiled. The assistant programmer will point the cherub out to the child victim, “LOOK AT WHAT HE DID.”
76.5 mins.
A curtain then shrouds the scene. The curtain appears to be tree-like. More bubbles appear, and more water. All the mythical creatures on the screen begin to dance and be merry and have a feast.
77.0 mins.
78.0 mins.
“THE LEAVES ARE FALLING.” Blood-like wine is drank at the feast. “SEE THE BLOOD.” “SEE THE LITTLE DEVILS POP UP.” The only human in this Disney scene is honored. This is done to teach the alters that humans and animals can mix. That they can be accepted for what they are, even if they think they are an animal or something else they will be accepted at the cult’s feasts. These scenes are all for internal programming. By the way, one of the pretty female centaurs makes a sexual pass at the fat human, who then chases her. “MUST PLEASE THE MASTER.”
80.0 mins.
A scary storm comes up, and Zeus, and the greek gods appear. “BETTER FEAR IT. HE’S A GOD YOU’D BETTER FEAR HIM. HE THROWS LIGHTNING”. This demon who throws lightening is named Furfur. He also makes thunder & strong winds in the system (alter system’s worlds).
81.0 mins.
Lightning bolts are thrown from heaven.
81.5 mins.
All the little cherubs run for cover in fear.
82.0 mins.
Pegasus the protector flies in to protect everyone, especially a new born Pegasus. The wind is personified as a two-headed blowing person. This two-headed Janus wind comes storming through the heavens. The programmer will often place his own voice “IN THE WIND.” The greek god (internal demon) throws a lightening bolt.
83.0 mins.
“SEE THE GODS”. The child is learning what to make internally. Zeus then relaxes & goes to sleep.
84.0 mins.
More vivid colors form. “FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH ALL THE COLORS.” The film at this point is teaching the child to stay in the framework of the programming for safety. To go outside of the programming is terror. The child is learning to fear the godlike demonic guardians.
84.5 mins.
The fantasy world is coming alive. It is a happy fantasy world. A goddess in the sky makes a rainbow emerge. This is the rainbow goddess of the programming.
85.0 mins.
All the happy unicorns and cherubs fly ‘”over the rainbow”. The unicorn is derived from old British paganism where the lion represented sun worship, and the unicorn represented moon worship. This is why the Royal Arms of the British Royal Family have a unicorn on one side, & a lion on the other. Sexually the unicorn represents androgeny.
During programming, the horses, pegasi, unicorns and centaurs shown in the Fantasia movie become the foundation upon which the Illuminati programmers build the Night Mare alters who are beasts of burden who carry an alter system’s memories. These are logical no-emotion alters who are early splits & who are programmed after the child is verbal.
86.0 mins.
More rainbows and lots of bubbles come into view. The film has done an excellent job of showing how the Furfur God of thunder protects the Rainbow. Once an alter has gone over the rainbow, they can not come back because a demon protects the Rainbow. The rainbow is also protected by alters who fear the gods. After seeing Fantasia, the therapist can understand why the little child protector alters have fear about these gods.
The master (who represents Furfur) in the movie swallows the rainbow. If an alter looks internally for the rainbow, he or she will only find stars, because the protector will come up and say, “I swallowed the rainbow.” The rainbow is kept well hidden internally. This scene is used to teach alters how to go over the rainbow. “”BEFORE YOU GO OVER THE RAINBOW, YOU HAVE TO PUT ALL YOUR MEMORIES IN THE BUBBLE. YOU CAN’T TAKE ANYTHING OVER THE RAINBOW INTO FANTASY LAND.”
86.5 mins.
Apollo, the sun god comes out.
87.0 mins.
A big mother spirit who fills the whole sky is now shown by Disney. She hangs over the rainbow. When a system is built, this is indeed what they put in. All go to sleep in the film.
87.5 mins.
Arrows shoot the stars into the heavens. This is more programming imagery. When you look for the rainbow, you see stars.
88.0 mins.
The conductor finishes again.
88.5 mins.
The next setting is a Venetian nobleman’s (a duke’s) palace. Curtains open.
89.0 mins.
Curtains open. An Ostrich begins dancing, and gets others to ballet dance.
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Disney Trauma-Based Mind-Control Slave Script
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