The amazing thing about this family is that it is not a family that people would have thought of as being one of the top thirteen; however, for me as a researcher of the elite and the Satanic hierarchy, the name pops up with surprising frequency. For instance, Stephen M. Freeman runs the Legal Affairs Dept. of the Civil Rights Division of the Anti-Defamation League (which is a daughter of the B’nai B’rith).
The ADL is a dangerous organization controlled by the hierarchy. The illuminati drug money to fund this organization. Another Freeman is Walter Freeman who introduced the lobotomy into the U.S. with James W. Watts in 1936. The frontal lobotomy was a brutal method of mind control, that has been permitted to be done to us, under the disguise that it is of benefit to humanity. Then there was Simon Freeman an important intelligence officer.
And the list goes on of people that are in key places with the Freeman name. But the most important position of all which removes all doubt that the family is at the top is that the late Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion was Gaylord Freeman. Independent discoverers of The PRIEURE DE SION What is the Prieure de Sion? Are we sure it exists? How does this relate to the hierarchy?
Check out more about The Prieure de Sion, AKA The Priory of Zion (this link will open a new tab) :-
One of Guardian Assurance’s departmental chairmen was also an MI5 operative besides Capt. Nutting. Another P.d.S. member who was with Nutting was Viscount Frederick Leathers, who was British Minister of War Transport during W.W. II. Viscount Leathers had a business associate and longtime friend Sir William Stephenson, who was the wartime chief for MI6’s american branch office called BSC (British Security Coordination) in New York.
Another friend of Leathers was Connop Guthrie also headed BSC for MI-6 in New York. Guthrie was a shipping executive. Due to internal trouble in the Prieure de Sion that resulted from a rule that members had to place a birth certificate and signature with the Priory, an English faction created forgeries of birth certificates and signatures and in secret protest sent these as originals to France.
PJ. Freeman then got involved in this act of defiance. Another division occurred between the French members and the British-American members. The French wanted more of a role and some type of restoration of the monarchy in a United Europe. The Amer.-British members who far outnumbered the few French wanted to skip the monarchy idea. The Vatican and the Prieure de Sion (P.d.S. – my personal abbreviation) work together.
Apparently, the Vatican is given some type of minor kickback for their cooperation. John Drick, A. Robert Abboud, and Gaylord Freeman were three members of the Prieure de Sion that were associated with the First National Bank of Chicago. John Drick had started as an assistant cashier in 1944 and became a vice-president three years later. In 1969 Drick became both the president and one of the directors of the bank.
He also was on the board of a number of other companies including, Stephan Chemical, MCA incorporated, Oak Industries, and Central Illinois Public Service. The Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance (the Guardian Assurance) in London where P.J. Freeman worked had shared a building with the First National Bank of Chicago which had Gaylord Freeman as chairman of the board of directors.
In other words, the two businesses and the two Freemans all connected its seems to the Prieure de Sion, and then by other inferences all connected back to the hierarchy. Gaylord Freeman’s signature appeared on a Prieure de Sion document of Dec. 16, 1983. Gaylord Freeman never publicly admitted that he even knew anything about the P.d.S. GRAND MASTER GAYLORD FREEMAN and ROGER FREEMAN instructed the U.S. government.
It has often been said if you want to know who really runs things, look at a man’s advisors. Now check this out, Gaylord Freeman never ran for any major political office and the voting process is supposedly to get men who know what they are doing into office, and yet if you read the N.Y. Times biography you will read “Mr. Freeman…was frequently called on by Washington for advice and assistance”.
Yes, Presidents and Congressman called Gaylord Freeman for advice (instructions might be a better term), and yet most of us haven’t even heard of the man! Again for those who think that only the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are powerful families, let me ask, why weren’t they calling Rockefeller? Not only did the Presidents turn to Gaylord Freeman for advice (orders), they also turned to another member of the family, Roger A. Freeman.
Roger A. Freeman was a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute. The New York Times biographical news article emphasizes that Roger Freeman played the role as advisor to two presidents, yet I doubt that hardly any American has heard of him.
One prominent Freeman, James D. Freeman has played a leadership role in Unity School. James Freeman has written at least six important books for Unity which they have published. Two of his works are Unity School and The Story of Unity. Had the article on spiritual warfare covered ritual sites in Kansas, Missouri, I would have mentioned about the Unity School.
Near (adjoining) the Unity School, in between Kansas City, Ks. and Kansas City, Mo. is a strip of wooded land. Little Ricky Rd. goes through this area, and the forest along Little Ricky Rd. has been used for Satanic rituals by a coven that was made up of adults, not teenagers. Interestingly, a man who was part of the Unity School hierarchy, and came to Christ told me that the school secretly conducted Luciferian initiations and that Robert Schuler, 33° Mason, and leading Protestant clergyman knew all about Luciferian initiations being conducted there, yet Schuler went ahead and taught his principles of church growth to Unity School.
They call the school Unity School of Christianity but a more accurate name would be Unity School of Witchcraft. Many witches have in fact been associated with the Unity Church and are closely working with it to secretly destroy Christianity. I know from inside information that the hierarchy is sending orders to the school, so it would not surprise me if James D. Freeman was actually part of the Freeman family that is one of the top 13 Illuminati families.
Some of the family are clearly jewish, such as Ernest Robert Freeman, who lives in Maryland and is an important jewish leader. He has been the dlr. of the Jewish Community Council in his area, and President of the Sachs/Freeman Assoc. The Sachs family also ties into the conspiracy so that is interesting. And Grace Freeman, who is jewish, wrote Inside the Synagogue. Some of the Freemans are leaders in Christendom too.
Lee Jackson Freeman is an American Baptist minister. He went to Union Theological Seminary, which is a totally ungodly place, they turn out socialists for graduates, etc.. Lee Jackson Freeman was a member of the executive board of the national ministries of the American Baptist Church. He also served in the Ecumenical Ministries in his Scranton, PA area. R. Lexie Freeman is a Nashville, Tenn. Methodist pastor (Waverly Place) who is a Freemason.
There are obviously different unrelated family lines that have the last name Freeman. In the preliminary genealogical work that I have done I have found Freemans coming from England, France, Germany and Austria. Howard L. Freeman is a Christian author, who has written about how the economic system of our nation is ungodly. I wrote him a letter of inquiry about the Freeman family.
He wrote me and told me that his family came from the English town of Barnstaple and that the Freemans in that area treated him as a royal guest when he visited the area. He was shown around over a 50 mile radius by the Freemans. His opinion was that his last name did not originate in Barnstaple, England. The history books record an M.P. (Member of Parliament) back in the times when our revolution was being plotted who was named Sambrooke Freeman (c. 1721-82).
He was from Fawley Court, near Henley, in Berkshire. He went to Oxford. I do not know if the Freemans in Moriah (the Illuminati) are from England originally, but from the little clues I have that would be my first guess. If not England, then likely France. Mary Freeman of Marlborough, Wiltshire, England claimed back in 1988 that on 7/13/88, almost at midnight, that she, Mary Freeman, was leaving the ancient Druid stone circle at Avebury, Wiltshire, when she saw a UFO over Silbury Hill. Most people are interested In her UFO report and l’m curious why this Freeman lady was out late at night at some ancient Druid site.
I haven’t progressed as far in my research as I would like. However, I have been able to identify one Freeman in the Illuminati. He was Minnesota’s Gov. Orville Freeman who appointed Walter Mondale to the position of Attorney General when Walter was just 32 years old. Walter Mondale later enjoyed the status of being the only U.S. Senator on the Trilateral Commission.
Walter Mondale went on to serve the Illuminati as U.S. Vice-president and Orville Freeman was appointed as a cabinet member for Kennedy’s and then Johnson’s administration. Another Freeman is listed on secret membership lists as joining the Order of Skull & Bones in 1869. Don Freeman wrote books on witches, including Space Witch, and Tilly Witch.
Another Freeman was instrumental in the O.T.O. being set up. The O.T.O. is hermetic magic and Satanism. Right here in Oregon, we have been watching some Freemans, because it appears that there are some Satanic coven members here in Oregon who are Freemans.
It is interesting to look at some of the titles that various Freemans have authored. Here is a sampling, see if some of these don’t sound like the authors could be potential candidates for being in a coven.
Martin Freeman–Forecasting Astrology (plus several other astrology books)
Richard B. Freeman–The Overeducated American
Michael Freeman–Cohabitation Without Marriage
Lucy Freeman–Listening to the Inner Self
Kathleen Freeman–books on the Greeks’ philosophy
A.V. Freeman–International Responsibility of States for Denial of Justice
Harold Freeman–Toward Socialism In America
Jo Freeman- books promoting “Women’s Liberation” such as Politics of Women’s Liberation and Women a Feminist Perspective
David F. Freeman wrote a Handbook on Private Foundations.
That’s interesting because if anyone is skilled in creating foundations, especially private ones, it’s the Illuminati. The Freeman family includes many lawyers, doctors, and psychiatrists. Some of the Freeman scientists are studying areas that are interesting. A.J. Freeman wrote on his area of expertise Magnetoelectric Interaction Phenomena in Crystals. Sounds like a subject people interacting with the UFOs might study.
Part of what I can do for the reader is to begin to give them a feel for how the Freeman family connects into the rest of things. This next section’s information will include information that only tangently relates to the Freemans, but is important to place them in the context of what is happening back stage out of the sight of the world’s eyes.
The Freemans in the Satanic hierarchy in the U.S. work with the Illuminati families of the Collins and Wheeler families. Readers are already familiar with the Collins family, but not the Wheelers. Now let me explain who the Wheelers are, because I am trying to put some pieces of the puzzle in place for you. Gen. Earl Wheeler and his brother Leo Wheeler, a Grande Master of the Illuminati, are secret Satanists and also 33° Freemasons.
Leo Wheeler, by virtue of his Grande Master status, in the satanic hierarchy has been able to visit the Dulce, N.M. underground facility. The route he used was to fly in, and then the last stretch is done in a black limousine. Various people in the Dulce area have occasionally spotted these VIP black limousines. The Wheeler family has a long history of involvement with Satanism, and its genealogical history goes back to the House of David.
An amazing clue (or an amazing coincidence) appears when we look at the genealogy of the Mormon leaders. The top Mormon leadership (LDS & RLDS) are all related and descendants of the Merovingians, but for sake of discussion let us take Brigham Young. His first name was given to him because of the importance of the Brigham family. His grandmother was Sibyl Brigham. Sibyls were prophets of the ancient world, and the name is a semi-common occult name. Brigham Young and his family practiced magic.
They were also intimately aware of their genealogy, which goes back to the Merovingian Dynasty! One wonders if it is coincidence that the Merovingians’ primary symbol, the bee, is also the symbol for the Mormon church and Utah. Look at a Deseret Industries (Mormon thrift stores) building in your area and you will see the bee on their side. But not only does Brigham Young have Merovingian blood from at least two lines of blood (and possibly as many as 6 lines of blood) but he is also related to the Collins family of Massachusetts.
Brigham Young is also a blood relative of the Wheelers. This is an amazing clue, as if Young’s Wheeler relatives are related to the Satanic Illuminati Wheelers, then we have an example of how three strains of top Satanic blood have interwoven and resulted in the birth of the Freemason, Witch, and President of the LDS, Brigham Young. Perhaps the tie-in doesn’t exist, but it certainly is worthy of our examination.
There may be some disinformation put out on this by the other side after this comes out, so don’t be taken in by their establishment. As I have mentioned before, a descendant of Joseph Smith, Jr. who was Satanic Ritually Abuse victim, has quietly told certain people that her family is indeed a Satanic bloodline. Further, I have mentioned other confidential pieces of information about how the leaders of the Salt Lake City Mormon church (LDS) are working with the various parts of the Illuminati’s empire, incl. the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Although the public split occurred between Mormonism and Masonry before the Mormons went to Utah, that was only for public consumption. The leadership have coordinated activities. The Mormon religion is really a high rite of Freemasonry, and this explains why when the Mormons went to Utah, the Mormons held Masonic schools. (Hosea Stout mentions these Mormon Masonic schools in On The Mormon Frontier.
After going to Utah, Brigham Young contacted the chiefs of Freemasonry in England and proposed that Mormonism be granted a public charter to become its own Masonic Rite. The hierarchy told him no. After that Brigham Young began to publicly distance Mormonism from Masonry, and the Masons strangely broke many of their own rules to distance themselves publicly from Mormonism.
LDS apostle Reed Smoot was given permission to run for office by the LDS church. Pres. Harding appointed him to the World War Foreign Debt Commission, and he also seryed the elite as the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. The War Finance Corp. just happened due to Smoots arranging it to gave the LDS church a $10 million loan. Marriner S. Eccles, of an old elite family, and a Mormon (and an Illuminatus) became Sec. of the Treasury in 1934, and was chairman of the Federal Reserve Board from ‘34-51.
Ezra Taft Bensen, later the LDS President, was appointed Sec. of Agriculture. David B. Haight, a prominent Mormon was made the head of all the Mayors in the San Francisco area–the full title is “governor of the San Francisco Bay Area Council of Mayors.” Mormon Charles C. Cox was put in charge of the Securities and Exchange as commissioner, I could go on listing some other Mormons who have been placed in key establishment positions.
Why are the Illuminati and their establishment not afraid of these Mormons who have leadership positions in the LDS church? This is a whole area I would love to explain but as this article is digressing from the Freemans, I need to return to subject being considered. The Lords of Anjou (part of the P.d.S.) were Plantagents and so was one of Brigham Young’s ancestors. if we go back through the Goddard and Gifford family ancestors. I am trying to get my readers to look behind the curtain of public organizations and to see what is going on back stage. Then I am trying to show how the people back stage are related and know it.
We find the Freeman family popping up as the Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion, as a co-founder of the O.T.O., as a member of the Skull and Bones, as a powerful ADL member, as members of Satanic covens and as authors of occult books, as well as other suspicious things. It also should be mentioned that two of the Freemans have been very important advisors to the U.S. Presidents and many other high political leaders. The Freeman family has all the earmarks of being one of the top 13 Illuminati families as my confidential sources reveal.
In 1991. Pulitzer prize winner James B. Stewart, the front page editor of the Wall Street Journal, came out with his book Den of Thieves. The book is the detailed story of how major insiders on Wall Street were systematic crooks. The four biggest names of the insider-trading ring were Michael Milken, Ivan Boesky, Martin Siegel, and Dennis Levine. Robert Freeman worked with the ring, and ended up pleading guilty after the evidence cornered him.
I am always suspicious of exposes of the establishment done by the establishment’s system. Often, the big crooks get away and the middle management take the blame. Take for instance, Iran-Contra. But Stewart’s book Den of Thieves may be helpful in our understanding of the Freeman family. The Freeman family is one of the top 13 Illuminati families. At this time, there is nothing to tie Robert Freeman to Satanism, and that is not the purpose here.
In an investigation, all the possible clues are collected. I am bringing my readership into this investigation of the top 13 families, and here is a possible suspect to make note of. Robert Freeman worked for the Jewish investment firm of Goldman, Sachs. Goldman, Sach’s headquarters is on Broad St. In NY, NY. Just a short distance from Goldman, Sach’s trading floor in their headquarters building on the glass-enclosed 29th floor was Robert Freeman’s office.
Robert Freeman was a graduate of Dartmouth. He liked to vacation in Colorado skiing with his family. He worked with Siegel and Boesky especially in his illegal insider deals. These insiders made millions off investors and would have made billions if they hadn’t been arrested. Freeman and Siegel made some complicated deals such as the Unocal and the Storer affairs. Boesky went to Russia after prison and offered his financial talents but was politely rebuffed.
One of the men involved with the ring was Milken. Milken’s influence had been a major factor behind the stock market recovery after Black Monday, 1987. That was Monday, Oct. 19, and the stock market plunged over 500 pts. that day. Milken convinced investors to invest in the stock market, and the Federal Reserve flooded the market with cash too to prevent a disaster.
MIlken was (& maybe still is) a close friend of Mason Jessie Jackson. Milken is heralded by many prominent Jews even after his arrest as a great Jew. That’s not my opinion, a newspaper article will back that up. The Drexel firm associated with Milken was advised by the Federal Reserve, the SEC, the Treasury, and the Stock Exchange to declare bankruptcy with Chapter 11, which they did.
Goldman and Sachs, both Jews, went to bat for Freeman, and hired private detectives to help his case. Kaye, Scholar in NY represented Freeman legally. Eventually Robert Freeman pleaded guilty and was given a four-month sentence which he served and was released on Aug. 30, 1990. The significant part is that Robert Freeman was someone who was one of the major players in the New York Stock Exchange. Robert Freeman is not to be confused with Ernest Robert Freeman who also is connected to the Sachs family, and was mentioned In the original article on the Freeman family (Mar. 15, 1993).
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Very interesting. I was aware of some of the occult history of the Mormon church. I enjoy your writings. Keep up the good work. God bless.
Hmmm…their is a voiceover actor name Crispin Freeman who comes from a lineage of Jewish lawyers and is even married to a witch. I wonder if he is related to the Freeman bloodline that you speak of.
Probably – Extensive Wiki page, for a ‘minor’ celeb!